Errores comunes al redactar tu TFG

Los estudiantes tienden a cometer los mismos errores una y otra vez cuando escriben su TFG en inglés. Revisa la lista atentamente para intentar evitar cometer los mismos errores cuando escribas un texto en inglés.

Faltas de ortografía

Aunque el corrector ortográfico localiza la mayoría de los errores que puedas haber hecho, no se puede confiar en él eternamente. A continuación, algunas de las palabras que se siguen escribiendo mal en muchos TFG en inglés:

Incorrecto Correcto
acheive achieve
benifit benefit
concious conscious
definately definitely
dependant dependent
disatisfied dissatisfied
existance existence
focussed focused
heteroskedesticity heteroskedasticity
homogenus homogenous
imediate immediate
labratory laboratory
ocassionally occasionally
payed paid
posses possess
practicaly practically
precedure procedure
publically publicly
questionaire questionnaire
respondant respondent
seperate separate
skedesticity skedasticity
skewedness skewness
specificly, specifically
suceed succeed
therefor therefore
undoubtably undoubtedly
unforseen unforeseen
wether whether
wich which

Errores frecuentes en el lenguaje

Es raro que los TFG en inglés que editamos no contengan ninguno de los siguientes errores. No cometerlos aportará a tu texto mucha calidad, pudiendo así presentar un escrito más pulido y correcto.

Incorrecto Correcto ¿Por qué?
Researches were conducted. Research was conducted. Research es un sustantivo incontable.
Further, the chance of bias is high. Furthermore, the chance of bias is high. Further no significa “in addition” (además); furthermore
The amount of variables may change. The number of variables may change. Utiliza number para los sustantivos contables (p. ej., changes) y amount para los incontables (p. ej., air).
A MRI, a HR directive An MRI, an HR directive Una abreviatura que inicia con vocal lleva siempre el artículo “an”.
The teenagers that The teenagers who Utiliza who para personas y that para cosas.

Otros errores comunes en inglés se detallan por categoría a continuación:


Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
Are both similar Are similar Although the two cases are similar, they are not identical.
Politic Political Both economic and political factors were considered.
So called…, factor based… So-called…, factor-based… The so-called experts only conducted factor-based analyses.
Specially Especially The authors were especially interested in inflation pressures.

Uso de mayúsculas

Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
Results Of The Interviews Results of the interviews or Results of the Interviews Additional information is presented in Table 9 (Results of the interviews).

Conjunciones y términos de vinculación

Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
First of all, firstly First First, all participants were given a survey.
However … However, … However, most theorists disagree.
Like Such as Northern cities such as Oslo and Helsinki have long, dark winters.

Sustantivos / Frases con sustantivos

Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
Insights in Insights into The results offer valuable insights into the problem.
MNC’s, PC’s MNCs, PCs Most MNCs purchase thousands of PCs annually.
One criteria One criterion Although many criteria were considered, one criterion stood out
Research conclusion Research conclusions Chapter 6 contains the research conclusions.
Taxi’s, umbrella’s Taxis, umbrellas Taxis are often full of forgotten umbrellas.
The childs behavior, the parents attitude The child’s behavior, the parents’ attitude Although the child’s behavior was aggressive, her parents’ attitude was very relaxed.
Two analysis Two analyses Several analyses were conducted, but one analysis was most fruitful.
Two hypothesis Two hypotheses This thesis proposes many hypotheses.

Preposiciones / Frases con preposiciones

Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
Besides, Next to In addition to In addition to building dams, the government also invested in roads.
From…till… From…to… The ages ranged from 18 to 24.
In the light of In light of The test was cancelled in light of the wind.
Per By The participants were grouped by height.
To what extend To what extent It is not known to what extent the subjects were being truthful.


Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
A person…their… A person…his or her (or his/her) A researcher should cite his or her sources.
You… One… If one reads the study, one may indeed be convinced

Puntuación de números

Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
10.000,00 10,000.00 The price was exactly $10,000.00.
1960’s 1960s Many styles of music emerged in the 1960s.


Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
A couple of A few, two/three, a handful of A few controversial questions were also included.
A lot of Many, much, several, a great deal of Much time was spent on the test.

Términos utilizados en las citas

Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
Et al, Et all. Et al. The mutation is thought to be widespread (Han et al., 1999)
Et al. has Et al. have Omar et al. have asserted that the effect is temporary.

Verbos / Phrasal Verbs

Incorrecto Correcto Ejemplo
Choose yesterday Chose yesterday The project manager chose her team before planning began.
Divide in Divide into This thesis is divided into seven sections.
Lead yesterday Led yesterday Although the Liberals currently lead in the polls, the Conservatives led last week.
Make a photo Take a photo The time was set to take photos at 20-second intervals.
Send yesterday Sent yesterday The email was sent to all employees.

Palabras que comúnmente se confunden

¿Cuál usar? Correcto ¿Cuál es generalmente la diferencia?
Effect/affect The effect was strong; the drug affected all members of the experimental group. Effect = noun
Affect = verb
Personnel/personal The company’s personnel do not like to discuss their personal problems. Personnel = noun
Personal = adjective
Principal/principle The principal author outlined the theories and principles that arose from the study. Principal = adjective
Principle = noun
Were/where Where were you? Were = verb
Where = adjective

Seguir estos consejos te ayudará a mejorar tu inglés académico escrito. ¡El siguiente paso es afinar tu escritura dependiendo de si estás utilizando inglés americano, británico o australiano!

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Carrasquilla, M. (2017, 08 marzo). Errores comunes al redactar tu TFG. Scribbr. Recuperado 25 de marzo de 2025, de

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Marta Carrasquilla

Marta es la responsable del mercado español en Scribbr. Es graduada en Administración y Dirección de Empresas y sabe lo complicado que puede llegar a ser escribir un buen documento académico. Es por eso que quiere ayudar al resto de estudiantes creando artículos que les faciliten la escritura de sus trabajos.